Suntechnos Co., Ltd.
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Manhole drilling machine(The gate type)
I realize high-performance low price
Touch panel-type control panel
An exampleF Gate type drill 1200-1800 (900 can support by adapter installation) touch panel method
œI cut ƒΣ 1390 with a product of 1500 automatically in 45 minutes. (Leave 10mm limit; at the time of setting)
œ I display a turn angle of a product, height distance by a touch panel method digitally.
An exampleF Gate type drill 1500-2200 (one or two can cope by adapter installation) touch panel method
œI cut ƒΣ 1002 with a product of 1800 automatically in 25 minutes. (Leave 10mm limit; at the time of setting)
œ It is with a touch panel method, a digital indication function.

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